
Haunt In Vile Melodies Beyond


asunder is the prospect of pale vision as he exits the black void
clairvoyant reciprocals, ascend the wailing Platte in irregular formations
incognito winding halls of ethereal chimes and grey tonalities beckon
a coalesce pathway shall create the mind wheel, beneath screaming rapids

hydroplane upon the surface of runic elixir, drained by stabbing spear
contorted in spiritual obsolescence and degradation upon left hand path
come join the swarming horde unseen, with voice as flailing whisper
only among dream topes and rapture, we haunt in vile melodies beyond





sky layer
where a solitary dancer
once commanded a terrain of clouds
upon which
a ballet of sylph innuendos
that took shape
as enchanted whispers in orchestral formalities

the obedient choir
uplifted the movements without question
the wind bowed
and rendered its heightened treble
snatching away the voice of sirens

to dirge epitaphs in natural time
the illusion of a firmament
was realized and understood
and together
in heavenly halls unseen
the philosophical waves of fate descended

rays of ethereal benevolence
swept as wild fire
a new intellect was proposed and sought after
gutters became the urn
for those with suggestions
and all who heeded the unknown trance
spoke in majestic notations
maestro compositions with tongue as baton
they where given there own layer to control

taking there place
in the celestial opera
eternally to recite
in the form of musical vibrations

and with pitch
that emanates from the neither world
they still look to the dancer for guidance





as whispers turn to echo, and echo turns to breeze
among the unseen Knowles, where they fade into the trees
sanguine is the moment, when glaring the divide
when all the thoughts you have ever known, cease within it's tide

the sculpture of the ridges are like ripples on the mind
there narration is in silence, of the pathways we shall find
travelers in sad lament, healed upon the crystal lake
may your past drowned in harmony, within the confines of this wake

symphonic is the stillness, in a world of wailing toil
when you stand upon the tumors of earth, and breathe the Aspen soil
close your eyes and be summoned, by orchestral beats of the heart
Alpha coves that spew from heavens, from these plains i shall never depart

my soul was left to bask the peaks of perpetual blossom and majesty
and everyday it awaits my return, upon blankets of starlit terrace and shrines
forever in awe by one glimpse and caress, energies eternal abound
asunder and vast , an endless chain, once within pangea as castles in the air




Music is not ours for we only borrow it for a season while we are here, it is the seekers of grand orchestral design,the innovator among leaders that becomes blessed with profound , divine opus that will echo through the ages, humbleness, devotion, and loyalty towards your craft are just the beginning, you have only just uncovered the keys. Now you must find doors, open them, and walk there hallways, and staircases, and sometimes they are bottomless, vibes and discernment are the only things keeping you stable, bottom line in my opinion, never be satisfied, always striving to make your craft shine with passion and anguish, conjoined with one another, so that when people indulge in it they dont see you anymore they are to taken by the spiritual choke you have placed on there phsyce, and then nourished with euphoria.




Sometimes we wonder why we have to endure the things we do, the problems, the pain, the betrayal, the deceit of others when all we are striving to be is a 'decent' human being. Remember that although you may not realise it, you are an example to others and if your example of a decent human being inspires just one person to not cause harm, to not hurt another, to look at their own lives with open eyes and consider change then this is a good thing.

All too often we cry 'enough' and ponder that the next straw will be the one to break the camels back. Consider that times we need to break down, cry, say enough! and I can't do this! This gives others the chance to nurture us, develop their own empathy and sometimes we need to realise that strength isn't necessarily being willing to endure, be strong, be stoic but to be vulnerable, to acknowledge our basic humanity, to be the complex, wonderful people the universe wants us to be.



Currency . . . . what is currency?


Some would say that it's that bundle of green paper in your pocket. Others might say that it is what drives the economy. And most would more than likely say that currency is what makes the world go 'round.

Here is my answer to the above question...
Currency is the shackle by which we live. It keeps us in line, keeps us on our knees, and lets the governing forces of humanity "allow" us to live. I also say that it is bullshit.
Currency has made humanity what it is today: greedy, selfish, undiserving, and ruthless. Its very being decides the fate of every living person. It makes decisions by allowing those that hold much of it to rule over those that do not. It governs the very function of hypocracy, a very common theme among us these days.

What would we be without currency?
Some would say that we would have empty pockets. Others might say that we would all go mad and start killing each other. And most would more than likely say that our world would end as we know it.

Here is my answer to the above question...
Without currency, we would be free from our shackles that bind us to the power of our superiors. We would be free to live the lives we wished to live, by the very talents we've developed. The world, in my opinion, would be a better place.
One could wake up in the morning knowing that he deserves the place in which he lives, because he either worked for it, or he built it. and no one could take that away from him. And those that do no wake, those that die, will have died as a result of not being useful, there for clearing the world of unnecessary existence, and in turn lessening polution, conflict, and especially war.




I strive for patience and gentleness with all beings, including myself. I recognize that each of us is a soul in process worthy of honor and kindness.


Humans: The inhumane, and the humane

Humans can be broken down into two separate categories: the humans, and the people.
The humans are those that dwell on this Earth, and recognize that life is a gift, and a privilege, rather than a right, or a guaranteed commodity. They live, not survive; they succeed, not follow; they discover, not wait; they dream, not hope. Humans have a grasp on what makes "life" life, and what makes it different from "surviving". Life is the day-in and day-out, relative cycle that we create for ourselves, be it dull and repetitive or exciting and various. It doesn't matter which, for as long as the individual is happy with it, it is life, and life is worth living. It isn't until the individual's life become survival, that the very idea of even existing comes into question...

People are those that survive here on Earth. They walk each day as zombies, as slaves, as conformist followers of their superiors; the government, the "people". They think they are given the "right" to live as soon as they are conceived...they believe that they are invincible, as though nothing can harm them, and often times they are correct...up until they are struck by a vehicle, shot by a mugger, or beaten by somebody they've insulted. People are the bastards that believe they have the ability to be "better" than another life...to succeed above another...to decide who has the "right" to live or die. There's that word again..."right"...

Right is always wrong. Live and let survive, survive and envy the living; that is what this world has become...the humans sympathize and the people make excuses. Right is always wrong...always.

About Me

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We yearn for some explosive, extraordinary escape from the inescapable and, none forthcoming, we put our faith in an apocalyptic rupture whereby the inevitable is solved by the unbelievable grasshoppers, plagues, composite monsters, angels, blood in industrial quantities, and, in the end, salvation from sin and evil--meaning anxiety, travail, and pain. By defining human suffering in cosmic terms, as part of a cosmic order that contains an issue, catastrophe is dignified, endowed with meaning, and hence made bearable.