


Music is not ours for we only borrow it for a season while we are here, it is the seekers of grand orchestral design,the innovator among leaders that becomes blessed with profound , divine opus that will echo through the ages, humbleness, devotion, and loyalty towards your craft are just the beginning, you have only just uncovered the keys. Now you must find doors, open them, and walk there hallways, and staircases, and sometimes they are bottomless, vibes and discernment are the only things keeping you stable, bottom line in my opinion, never be satisfied, always striving to make your craft shine with passion and anguish, conjoined with one another, so that when people indulge in it they dont see you anymore they are to taken by the spiritual choke you have placed on there phsyce, and then nourished with euphoria.


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We yearn for some explosive, extraordinary escape from the inescapable and, none forthcoming, we put our faith in an apocalyptic rupture whereby the inevitable is solved by the unbelievable grasshoppers, plagues, composite monsters, angels, blood in industrial quantities, and, in the end, salvation from sin and evil--meaning anxiety, travail, and pain. By defining human suffering in cosmic terms, as part of a cosmic order that contains an issue, catastrophe is dignified, endowed with meaning, and hence made bearable.