Kind spirit
Warm heart
Bright soul
You give so often of your time,
your smile...
You never leave out the heart of
a child.
You tend to the garden of love,
faith, and care
Your strength is amazing, and
you don't give in to false glories;
You're always aware
Your gentleness speaks so loudly yet
You never lose sight of what's important
or kind
You are a gift to all, so precious and true
So I say this today....
Today is for celebration
For toasts to your longevity
Today is a day to reflect on yesteryear
To cherish the good memories
Today is a day to look forward
Anticipation of hopes, dreams and wishes
Warm heart
Bright soul
You give so often of your time,
your smile...
You never leave out the heart of
a child.
You tend to the garden of love,
faith, and care
Your strength is amazing, and
you don't give in to false glories;
You're always aware
Your gentleness speaks so loudly yet
You never lose sight of what's important
or kind
You are a gift to all, so precious and true
So I say this today....
Today is for celebration
For toasts to your longevity
Today is a day to reflect on yesteryear
To cherish the good memories
Today is a day to look forward
Anticipation of hopes, dreams and wishes
Happy birthday, Patrice!!
Many blessings to you on this
day and all the days after.
Many blessings to you on this
day and all the days after.

Follow his incredible work here :
I absolutely loved this place when I was there. Thank you for the image and bringing back some great memories!
Along an axis of just under two kilometres that was formerly the bed of the River Turia, this complex promoted by the Generalitat Valenciana has striking architecture - designed by Santiago Calatrava and FĂ©lix Candela.
Who is this Patrice, Devi? He's done amazing work.
Another wonderful poem from you worth to read!
What a fantastic piece of architecture...! xD I'd love to work on something like that one day
What a fantastic job it must be to be a modern architect, to get to invent these pieces of artwork, and then see them become buildings that reach into the sky!
Devi, darling! Thank's for let me know of your new blog. Full of dark poems. It so you!!
I'll email you tomorrow, sister!
Thank's guys. I am glad to see you again here.
Karen, call me in my cell phone. I am not home tomorrow.
Amazing geometry, very good composition!!!
I don't know what to say after this flow of kindness... Thank you so much. I'm amazed: Devi, you are a very talented woman, I have no word to describe that. May all the good things in the world be with the one you love and you.
Hey hey hey! Happy..happy B-day to you my good man Patrice!
Fresh air... fresh idea...
fresh talent... fresh energy...
i wish u to have a...
special sunday..
marvellous monday...
tasty tuesday...
wonderful wednesday...
thankful thursday...
friendly friday...
successful saturday...
That's kick ass poem Devi wrote you.
Bless her beautiful soul!!
Love you Dev!!!!! Muaaahhhhhh!!!
This is great that you open your blog again.
We're all miss you here.
I am glad you're back!!!
It looks like something from a fairy tale... What makes it better is that it's REAL! Thanks for capturing such a majestic structure ;and my attention.
the colors are insane.
they balance each other perfectly.
Oh yes, Spain has gorgeous scenery. How I wish I could go back.
This shot is perfect. The colors are so vivid, and somehow it's like the islets themselves to make a frame around the lake.
High quality photos,fantastic work, Patrice! Happy be-lated birthday.
Big vote for the great poem to him, Devi!
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