

My mom died in my arms yesterday at 1 AM.

I love you, mom.

Please God, give me some strength . . . .


Will said...

I'm so very much sorry for her, for you, and for your whole family Devi.
I know how much you loved her, and how much she loved you.
It's hard for you that you lost her,
but now she is in a better world where she doesn't feel any pain and doesn't need to suffer any more...

I'm with you now, with all my thoughts and my whole heart...

Les Cheveux said...

Your mom was a beautiful person,Devi. inside and out, and she will be relentless and uncompromisingly missed.

Matt Boddan said...

My heart breaks for you, and I am sending so much love and so many prayers. Thank you for letting us know. With deepest sympathy.


Anonymous said...

Life goes on and we have to live with the undying pain. The only consolation could be that there are people whom you can share your loss with.

I know you Devi. You are a strong woman.

Bali Dog said...

Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing. Save the limit of our sight.
You have my sincere condolences on the loss of your mom, Devi.

We love you.

Leticia De La Cruz said...

Although no words can really help to ease the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer.

I love you, Devi.
call me if you needed to talk< Im here.

Anonymous said...

Although no words can really help to ease the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer, as you comprehend this profound loss, let yourself cry knowing each tear is a note of love rising to the heavens.


NILUH said...

I am really sorry for your loss. I know how close you were to your mother and the deep influence she had on you. We will miss her.

Kalau ada yang ingin engkau bicarakan, Devi.
Telon aku saja.

Love you, sister.

About Me

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We yearn for some explosive, extraordinary escape from the inescapable and, none forthcoming, we put our faith in an apocalyptic rupture whereby the inevitable is solved by the unbelievable grasshoppers, plagues, composite monsters, angels, blood in industrial quantities, and, in the end, salvation from sin and evil--meaning anxiety, travail, and pain. By defining human suffering in cosmic terms, as part of a cosmic order that contains an issue, catastrophe is dignified, endowed with meaning, and hence made bearable.